Practical tips for helping those with dementia

Jun 21, 2023

We all know that dementia, in all its many forms, is a progressive disease...
Practical tips for helping those with dementia: food and eating difficulties.

The monthly Coastal Kindness Dementia Support Group, judging by the growing attendance, is a boon to those of us caring for loved ones in increasing need of our help. The meetings have become a source of mutual and moral support, a chance to share experiences and frustrations as well as to socialise. And, of course, an important source of information, advice and tips on coping with common problems.

We all know that dementia, in all its many forms, is a progressive disease – and that, as time passes, those in our care will increasingly need assistance in a growing number of ways. Including eating. What we do without giving much thought to HOW we do it can become ever more difficult for the dementia sufferer. There is, for instance, the possibility of swallowing food or liquids the wrong way and choking. There is the inability to feed oneself, and the lack of interest in eating.

Who would have thought that something as simple as serving food on a bright red or blue plate, which supplies high contrast to the food, would make it more appealing?

We have a tip sheet with comprehensive advice on feeding loved ones – you might not need it yet, but how handy to have it when you do. If you would like a copy, click here

And if you would like to attend the Support Group Meetings, please SMS or WhatsApp Jennie on 083 367 9720.

Coastal Kindness – caring for you!


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